Koko says no to becoming a 20-year-old cat woman with only felines for friends - 24 November 2010
I am not the nicest or most approachable of people. I tend to do things without consideration for others and even write about things that may be considered "inappropriate" on this blog. I make no excuses for myself. I like writing honestly about my life and I'm pretty open about who I am. Honestly, though, I am a big heap of chaotic rubbish at the moment. I will however make some changes now. I don't want to go into Med as a cat lady, with felines on my wall and kittens for friends (what a wonderful metaphor ._.)
- I will be more optimistic. - I will make a more active effort to be nicer and more engaged with others. - I will try not to make people deliberately uncomfortable (it's a bad habit, I agree). - I will smile more. - I will not ignore people simply because I am "not in the mood" to disturb my walk across campus. - I will try not be so musically/intellectually arrogant (it's difficult to change after so many years). - I will be more naked from now on. :)
I have been going crazy over Bjork's Homogenic. In fact, just Bjork crazy. Growing up, I only owned Vespertine and I used to listen to it over and over when I was 14. It used to transport me to a wonderland covered in fluffy snow, like marshmallows, ice figurines that depicted women alongside animal companions and left a cold, frosty feeling in my mouth as though a snowflake had just landed on my extended tongue. This was the album of my chilldhood - it transported me back to my own home, Polska. Now I know that Bjork used the natural sounds of ice cracking in 'Frosti' and treaded snow in 'Aurora'. And I think that that it is delicious! Nature is full of music and I just adore itt when artists take advantage of this earthly instrumentation. I only downloaded the whole version of Homogenic just this week and it leaves me feeling almost nostalgic. This is supposedly an album that is dedicated to Bjork's home, Iceland. She utilises Icelandic folk tunes and the Old Icelandic choir mode of singing - half singing, half speaking (like Sprechstimme, though perhaps not so funny). It leaves me feeling the same way that 'Ma Vlast' does. Longing. For something. For something that's no longer here.